
Ashley Koch, MS, CNS

I am clinical nutritionist, functional medicine specialist, Certified Nutrition Specialist, and educator who works with adults, teens and children.

In my clinical practice, the work I do with patients is collaborative, compassionate and comprehensive. I take the time to understand your full health history, review prior lab results, order evidence based comprehensive labs to identify biochemical imbalances and inflamamtion, and at times partner with others providers to understand or advocate for your needs. I help you identify and address digestive issues, inflammatory triggers, nutritional deficiencies, gut and immune health concerns and work to reverse chronic disease states and symptoms. My passion lies in identify inflammatory tiggers, addressing biochemical imbalances, reversing autoimmune states, and mitigating future autoimmune events.

There is no one who knows your body better than you. Together we can explore your symptoms and personal goals. I can help you identify the missing pieces when it comes to nutrition and lifestyle to help you achieve your desired outcomes and longterm health. My goal is to help you take the driver’s seat in your health journey and provide education that you can take with you beyond our time working together that can prevent future disease.

My story

Twenty years ago, I was the least likely person to be a Clinical Nutritionist. I was a recent college graduate suffering from numerous chronic conditions, daily stomachaches, seasonal allergies, brain fog, debilitating chronic fatigue, eczema, and migraines that would cause me to miss days of my life and required hospital care. My diet consisted of refined carbodyrates, chemicals, processed foods and an unlimited supply of sugar. I had a litany of doctors, all of whom reviewed my symptoms, yet gave little consideration to—and little guidance on improving these conditions through—the food I was eating and the the lifestyle choices I was making.

Making changes to what was on my plate and my lifestyle allowed me to abandoned the small pharmacy I had created and feel truly healthy and symptom free for the first time in my life. I believe that just because my suffering was common, doesn’t mean it was normal to continue to suffer.

My own family’s journey with chronic disease, autoimmune disease, food allergies, debilitating eczema and the immense healing that came through diet and lifestyle made me realize I wanted to help others learn more about using adequate personalized nutrition and functional medicine to find relief and feel great. These experiences strengthened my commitment to learning the evidence-based approaches that changed my life forever and the lives of the people I love.

I know that change doesn’t always come easy, but I look forward to partnering with you to help you become the driver of your own health story and reverse your chronic symptoms.

We all deserve a chance to feel vibrantly healthy.

“People have in their heads this idea about doing something big, about some huge cataclysmic change that you are going to bring or effect on the world. The thing to really do is to do little things everyday with a lot of love, with a lot of integrity, with a lot of commitment and not worry about result. Just everyday to be giving, to give a little bit more, more concentrated. So that your expansion is happening in little moments, that is where things count. Not in these big events, but in these very little moments of everyday.” - Alonzo King 

It was a gift to be able to find my passion and have the chance to listen. I’m a healed healer, and if we had a chance to share tea or take a walk… you would see quickly that my greatest joy comes in helping others improve their lives. With small changes over time, you too can tap into evidence-based tools that can improve your well-being and create a new lifestyle. Supporting the healing of others is my personal form of currency and I truly believe we all deserve a chance to feel vibrantly healthy. ⠀


Feeding kids is easy…said no parent ever!

As parents today, we are up against so many modern challenges. I firmly believe teaching children the value of healthy choices can influence their health for a lifetime and is a p

arenting skill worth cultivating. Unfortunately, like most parenting triumphs, there is a steep learning curve. I provide to support for families to help them navigate feeding their families, raising healthy eaters, and using their parenting strengths to build a healthy foundation for the entire family.


Early life experiences with food and health can influence your child’s future health outcomes.

Did you know that 90% of a child’s brain is developed by the age of 5? The brain is far more impressionable in early life than in maturity. Therefore, the decisions and experiences your child has in the first 5 years can shape them for a lifetime. Studies confirm that food experiences in a child’s first 2 years of life predict dietary variety in school-aged children. As a result, the time and effort you put in early will pay off in the many years to come. Beyond the first five years, the choices family’s make to inform their child’s microbiome throughout childhood will shape a child’s future mental health, metabolism, weight, immune system, and much more. As parents, finding a positive balance with diet and lifestyle can improve health outcomes for a lifetime. Together we can set your family on a positive path.